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Conversion to Islam At 14


I was visited by a 14 years old girl named Antonnette who was converted to islam two weeks ago at our Orphanage . (Her adapted name in islam is Jannah)

She conveyed her story as follows; “ i was invited for a dinner. It was not seem to be a regular meal at first sight. Eveything were on floor and ready to partake however none were sitting. Then we heard the call to prayer. Everyone with an utmost order drink water then ate dates which was followed by congregational prayer. I was in a state of shock. The dinner was more on a spuritual journey like the prayer. It was a never seen nor observed spiritual scene for me. 
After the wonderful meal, elders started to converse about fasting, The Qur’an, angels, the purpose of life, and responded the inquiries of visitors. The conversation was so deep yet so clear. This powerful discussion stopped with another powerful sound again; Azan the call to prayer. Everybody got up. Excited. Running to ablution. What is happening i asked. We are getting ready to the invitation of our Lord. And we will pray taraweeh. I was crying. It was an amazing experience.. i was crying. Out of joy i screamed “ i wanna be one of you! I wanna embrace islam!”
It was the taraweeh prayer and it was the first iftar i joined. And before the prayer i made my shahadah. I have been staying at orphanage for two weeks now. I m learning Quran. I don’t know how to thank? How to thank to Turkey and to the Turkish people. And to the people who were the means for extending aid for ramadan projects here in my country. May our Lord, may Allah swt be please with you all.

